Your Parenting Reality Is Negotiable
Feeling stuck like your parental feet are in cement with nowhere to go? Feeling overwhelmed like you can’t even get a whiff of Life is good? Feeling anxious about your present and future parenting experience? Feeling like you made a mistake by becoming a parent?
Your parenting reality is negotiable. It’s flexible. It’s malleable. It can be bent, turned around, and shifted into positivity so that you and your family can live in The Land of Possibility.
It is a fact that all of reality or Life on Earth is negotiable, flexible, malleable, bendable, turn around-able, and shift-able. Have you noticed? People are talking about it. People are doing it. People are living empowered lives because they were willing to at least think it is possible to negotiate, flex, change, bend, turn around, and shift Life.
Why the capital letter L for the word Life?
Life is capitalized because Life here on Earth is 100% pure Divine Love manifested in a solid experience. There’s no 99.9999999% about it. 100% pure Divine Love from Source created this Earth for itself to experience as many perspectives as possible.
And, there are sooooo many perspectives here, yes? All the plankton in the sea, all the millions of bacteria that are in a postage stamp-sized space on your arm (yeah…start multiplying that for your entire skin surface!), all the variations of plants, fungi, and animals, all the variations of humans that inhabit this planet, and so much more that encapsulate the entirety of the Earth experience are Divine Love.
Once this perspective is completely understood, Life on Earth becomes amazing! From this perspective, Life on Earth is gentler, kinder, and loving. Now, you the parent, are ready to contemplate all your options with the beloved, 100% Divine Love beings you call your children. From the perspective of Who You Are, you can identify Who Your Children Are.
This IS the empowerment perspective that is THE game changer is creating a peaceful, joyful, and cooperative home that makes parenting fun, enjoyable, and pleasant…your parental legacy begins today.
Strategy – Create Paths To Enlightenment
Feeling Lighter? From this state of being of feeling lighter or en-light-en-ment, one can negotiate reality into what is desired. When one is… Feeling stuck like your parental feet are in cement with nowhere to go? Feeling overwhelmed like you can’t even get a whiff of Life is good? Feeling anxious about your present and future parenting experience? Feeling like you made a mistake by becoming a parent…no one can create peace, joy, and cooperation. This isn’t living in The Land of Possibility.
When feeling stuck, paths to feeling lighter are necessary to shift the heaviness into lightness. This can be done by talking to a friend, exercising, petting a dog, reading a book, napping, or meditating. From the lighter state of being, one can change one’s life.
It can also be done by hiring experts like me. I’m in the business of lifting parents and helping them feel lighter so that they can negotiate their parental experiences. Why? Because this 100% Divine Love experience is to be lived with empowerment in all areas including parenthood. Read about it here: