Re-Introducing Myself!
Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale, M.Ed., aka The Middle School Mom Mentor, writes, speaks, and consults to help parents navigate the sometimes nail-biting and nerve-wracking teen years. After nearly 30 years in education, which includes 10 years teaching in middle schools, eight years being a librarian, four years writing a weekly newspaper column called Purposely Positive Parenting, conducting parent-child events, speaking at educational conferences, and writing 15 books for both parents and teens focusing on a variety of topics such as gossiping, personal power, relationships, death, happiness, and many more, her empowered parenting method for this age group is fueled by much experience as a parent and as a teacher. Her approach begins with the universal spiritual fundamentals of life and then spreads out to any subject highlighting her belief in the eternal goodness of life: “You are never stuck. Your child is never stuck. You always have options with everything.”
She offers opportunities for parents to hear her explain about an updated parenting paradigm for children, or the new spirits arriving daily on Earth, with such speaking titles as, “Grisly Gossipers and Bothersome Bullies And What To Do About Them,” “Who Is Your Child, Really?” “Tough Topics, Honest Responses,” “What Will Be Your Parental Legacy?” “The Problem Solver Solution That Works Every Time,” and “The Best Teen-Parent Communication For Modern Day Children.”
In addition to writing and speaking, Lizabeth has an online parental support group and an intensive parent rejuvenation program called The Best Parent Ever Toolbox in which she teaches and explains her parental tools and why they are successful for the older Earthlings to guide the younger Earthlings into empowered, positive living.
She can be reached at 843-576-9040 or Additional information is located at