Pure, Unconditional Love Opportunity
2024 global events have highlighted the importance for humans to step up into pure, unconditional love. I have witnessed neighbors, friends, and family being sucked into the downward divisive, fearful, and negative trap promoted by multiple sources.
Snowball Method. Try the snowball method. With arms outstretched, bring them into the center in front of you to create a ball of love. Repeat the bringing in of love saying, “I gather infinite, divine love. I gather infinite, divine love. I gather infinite, divine love.” When the ball seems complete to you, visualize the now larger ball (hence the snowball effect) of love being absorbed by the person of your focus or going out to yourself, anyone, or anything that needs love. You don’t have to like the person. You’re just sending pure, divine, universal love. Let love do the transforming. If it is still too difficult, ask an angel to send the ball for you. Edwin Spina’s version of the snowball method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tl0B23Ap3U.
We all can use this sending of love balls to diffuse anger because of the polarity of opinions and beliefs and due to the information warfare we have been exhaustively inundated with via news and social media outlets. I have been accused, or questioned in the least, by friends, family, and a neighbor for not joining in the deluge of negativity that claiming a side automatically brings. Nothing could be further from the truth because I am involved, but…being manipulated into non-love by the media agenda – I won’t be part of it.
Stepping Up. Sending balls of pure love is stepping up the human game. We must change the way we approach conflict. We must change old programming to love. We have got to circumvent disagreements. We have got to decide to not take sides. This does not mean, however, not having opinions. We have got to reach for unconditional love instead of divisiveness and polarity. Nothing is more important than embracing pure love.
Your Body Temple. Why listen to an outside technology machine that is purposely making people angry. They want division of family members, friends, and neighbors. They encourage name calling, labeling, and separation. They twist words and truth to incite anger…on purpose. Why listen to an outside technology machine that is creating discord on such a large scale when you have your own powerful, divine, pure, unconditional love technology within you literally in each of your cells? Our bodies, or our temples, are trillions of divine technology balls that literally emanate love or less than love. When getting tugged by a less-than-love situation or person, it is effective to use the snowball method because no one is immune from getting sucked in by someone saying something undesirable or being cut off in traffic. It happens to all of us.
Mother Teresa. When conflict arises, and it will to provide the opportunity to choose, we must choose to love because there is global heaviness while there is global enlightening. The age old decision to focus upon either the heaviness or the lightness is personal choice. Mother Teresa said, “I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me.” In other words, in the midst of less-than-love, choose to send balls of love. It’s the easiest and most effective way to change the world.
Ranting, putting signs in one’s yard, listening to the disturbance-makers, and/or posting one’s opinion of social media do not work. Want world peace? Send balls of pure love right from where you are. Be proactive for love. What would life look like if everyone chose to send love instead of fuming or creating ways to force people behave in ways that will make certain pockets of society happier? Go forth with the most powerful force on Earth – Love. Go forth in the direction of love. Want others to have solar panels? Get them yourself. Want others to buy an electric car? Get one yourself. Want peace in the world? Be peaceful. And, the opposite it true. Division breeds division. Labeling breeds labeling. Hate (of anyone) breeds hate.
The Sports Analogy. In football or any sport, there is no game without competition. It would be a boring game that no one would watch if the quarterback could make successful catches each time. No competition? It would be a low-attended, boring game. Competition is what makes games games.
Also in sports, there is no forward movement without someone else making an incredible shot, putt, or tackle that leads to others believing they can do the same. Then, the bar has been raised for what is possible as in the example of Tiger Woods.
In the world of politics, the sides are the competition that create newness (like a younger, new, different thinking political party??? It’s coming!), raising the bar, creating anew, thinking of what could be, and pondering how things could be better among other creations. The current political rhetoric (also known as mudslinging, name-calling, irrational blaming, or just plain old yuck from both sides) is actually creating newness from the yuck. So the two political sides in the USA are actually helping each other become better. Clarity follows chaos. Choose to see what is really happening with current events.
Human Quantum Jumping. I heard this recently: No matter who would win the USA election, we humans were going to rise up as a species anyway no matter how it appears for clarity always follows chaos. One path was a slow rising up. One path was a quicker, ripping off the band aid path. The sooner we can with what some people call ascend, the better. Be part of the rising up and not the division, the categorizing, and the hate. Be in pure, unconditional love. Send it to others and to Mother Earth.
Help Is Already Here. And, while I’m letting (almost) everything out…We Are Not Alone! MANY other divine creations such as angels are doing overtime right now making sure we succeed. It may look terrible at times presently and in the near future, but keep focusing on what is pure love, keep sending balls of love, and keep listening to your Soul not the news. It is time to ascend to the next level of humanness. Perhaps, we can all make a quantum jump to rise up multiple levels just like we did when 9/11 occurred. The global compassion “rating” skyrocketed, and we humans made quantum jumps toward pure, unconditional love.
More Information. If you want to know more about what I wrote, let me know by scheduling time with me using: https://talktolizabeth.as.me/. There is much more to the apparent chaos occurring right now. Much more. It is divinely and perfectly unfolding independent of the USA election result because what is happening on Earth is MUCH bigger than one election…for the positive change that is already occurring is not just on a global scale, but on a universal scale. We humans have much to look forward to. Be in the energy of love and the forward movement that is already in motion.