Prepping For The End
Got these: Senioritis? Summer-can’t-come-fast-enough-school blues? I-don’t-wanna-study-anymore comments?
We’ve all experienced it as a student. Nothing will go in the brain anymore. The desperately needed break. The will-this-ever-end facial expression.
How did you get past it? How will your child get past it? Here are some ideas:
- Talk about it. No demanding it. No yelling about it. Talk about it. See what’s behind the academic drag. Understanding it and expressing it’s normal will go a long way. Just allowing the venting can help reach the school year finish line.
- Plan future events. And, make ’em good! I suspect this is how we all got to the finish line. Call this suggestion whatever you’d like, but bribery works. Plan future events such as vacation time, events such as a manicure or a new clothes shopping, or friend gatherings to motivate a job well done to the end. When inspiration isn’t holding out, try motivational events.
- Provide planned and spontaneous breaks. Nothing speaks as loud as a plate of fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies to brighten the mood. How about a head, neck, hand, and/or back massage to go along with them? Do some form of physical exercise together. Get silly. Jump on the bed. Run around the house together yelling. Kiddos love parents who are willing to be spontaneous and fun especially when it’s done in sympathy.
- Give ’em a physical outlet. “Boxing” empty cardboard boxes or ripping apart an old blanket can serve as a means of letting off steam. What is around the house that you’ve been meaning to send to the dump? Throwing such items into a pick up or into the large trash containers at the dump can provide that physical release.
- Take quiet time/meditation moments. These don’t have to be time consuming. Instead, try five minutes of yoga stretches and/or yoga nasal breathing. Walking pets around the block will help, too.
- Break down the end of year testing schedule into smaller chunks. It can be overwhelming to look at the whole end of year process. Break it down into smaller, easier to digest and manage chunks. This is a good strategy for the entire year, but is especially effective during the last few weeks of school. “I only have to do my best on this one test right now. Then, I will focus on the next one tonight.”
- Encourage positive self-talk. No matter what a parent says, it is ultimately important that a child is saying the good stuff, too. Inquire what is spinning around in your child’s head. Is it saying, “I can do this?” Bringing into focus the necessity of positive self-communication will bring clarity to what is really your child’s mind-chatter.
Understanding, sympathy, and allowing of certain behaviors like venting will enable your child to end the scholastic year well. You got this, parents!
Consider this book to help you to help your child with test-taking. It’s loaded with practical ideas.