How Much Joy Do You Expect From Parenting A Teen?
In my consulting parents business, I find that the expectation of parenting a teen varies a lot when it could be as simple as, “I expect to love each and every moment!”
Not realistic, you say????
Most parents have built-in belief systems that are already bracing for the worst. I’ve heard parents say negative statements about the future even when their children were quite young!
At school open houses before the school year began, often parents would be SURE (stand in a line to talk to me) to tell me how awful their children were going to be while handing me their personal telephone numbers with instructions to contact them at any time.
I’ve heard parents say, “My daughter is going to be a bitch later.”
Wow. So no wonder parents commonly have experiences that are less than fun, loving, and exciting when they are already pre-paving the road for misery.
I lived the loving each and every moment experience and is the reason I know it can be done. What makes it happen is a focus, mindset, perspective paradigm shift about parenting.
Defining and knowing Who We Really Are makes all the difference and are the foundation to loving each and every moment of then parenting experience. This is what I explain in my Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program.
It takes time to make fundamental shifts. It takes coaching and explaining to change the way to think, believe, and feel about parenting so that joy, peace, and cooperation are dominant.
It can be done and is so worth the shifting to create empowerment within one’s own life which automatically spreads out into all areas of one’s life including one’s children. It’s such win-win shifting! People start noticing the changes and ask what is going on. It’s really fun to experience when people make the shifts and to watch the magic happen!
For more information, go to
No matter what happens, you can EXPECT parenting to be joyful, peaceful, and cooperative…really!