Miscellaneous, But Informative

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The Rebellious Teen: Plenty of Parental Options



This blog could also be titled: The Rebellious, Demanding, And Extra Energetic Teen because…


Whenever a child wants something more, different, or larger than you, the parent, are ready for, feel comfortable with, or deem is appropriate, the BIG question is, “What do you do about it?”


Do You…

Do you “give in” and provide or allow the request and hope for the best?


Do you stand firm and say, “No,” knowing that resistance (silent treatment), consternation (door slamming), and verbal frustration (talking back, swearing, or threats) from your teen are coming next?


Do you not make any decision because you don’t know which way to turn?


Do you delay answering your child’s request in hope that it’ll pass?


Do you feel overwhelm to the point that it washes over you like a perpetual parental tsunami in slow-mo?


Do you wonder where this strong personality trait came from? My mother’s uncle was known as a hard ass. Maybe this is him reincarnated. Or maybe: It is an ancestral trait that has skipped generations that has now landed in my child’s DNA with ultra strength.


Do you wonder if they switched babies at the hospital because none of the rest of your family behave this way?


Do you wonder if God is testing you by “giving” you this child?


Do you believe this is your personal karma coming back to haunt you?


Do you ever feel frozen by parental fear or anger that runs through your veins like a slow lightning bolt when your child approaches you with yet another request?


Do you constantly feel like the dictator of your family monitoring the speech, actions, and comings and goings of your children?



What If…

What if there were plenty of parental options?


What if there were wonderful, positive, and purposeful reasons your child is behaving so strongly?


What if there were ways to live peacefully with a rebellious, demanding, and energetic teen?


What if there was a path to parent such a child that put you both on the same team?



The FUNDAMENTAL Questions To Ask Are:

What is behind the rebellion, demand, and the extra energy of my child?


What is behind the something more, different, or larger than me that my child is requesting that I’m not ready for?


What is behind my uncomfortable feelings?


What is behind my beliefs that deem  _________(my child’s request)  is inappropriate?



The PERTINENT Questions To Ask Are:

How can I support my child at the same time making sure I feel safe and peaceful, too? (Feeling safe and peaceful are your divine parental rights.)


How can I co-create our lives together with my child?


How can I allow my child’s dreams, wishes, and desires to become reality with peace for both of us?


How can I live empoweredly and parent empoweredly thus instilling empowerment into my child?


How can I bring out my child’s unique, one-of-a-kind divinity blueprint (Divine Wisdom) that is literally stored in each of his or her cells so that my child will automatically sense the degree of divinity within each of his or her requests, dreams, wishes, and desires before they are brought to my attention because if my child is sensing his or her divinity, the useless, low-energy, inherently negative, and not-good-for-anyone requests will not ever be heard by my ears.


How can I live in The Land of Possibility with my child peacefully, empoweredly, creatively, and joyfully?



Notice The Shift?

Have you noticed the vibrational shift within your mind from despair to optimism?


Have you noticed the vibrational shift within your body?


Have you noticed the vibrational shift within your environment?


Have you noticed that the tension in your body is less or has left?



Empowered Parenting Sounds Something Like This:

“I love your ideas! I love your enthusiasm for life! Your vibrancy of this age is so much fun to me. It is so much fun to be your parent. Thank you for being my son/daughter.”


This conversation is a big shift from the resistance of Don’t bother me! Don’t ask me about your ridiculous demands! to love. What will happen to each teen request if your child knows he or she will hear the above statement each time? 


“You know our family lives in The Land of Possibility, so I intend to listen to your ideas. Together, we will support each other. Ideas make life so interesting, yes? Do you agree? Creation is the highest form of living so thank you for bringing another one of your ideas to my attention.”


Can you hear the screeching halt to the incessant gimmies?


“To give your ideas the best attention, _________________________ (remind your child of what is your family’s empowerment plan).



Family Empowerment Plan or FEP

If your child knows that your family has an established method for ideas, requests, demands, or questions to be prepared, presented, discussed, and familial decided upon, would this known FEP process S L O W  down the need for immediate answers to spontaneous requests that may or may not have been given much thought? Yep.


Would having a FEP establish the normalcy of ideas, requests, and desires to be run through a process not only for the teen years but for his or her life?


Would your teen run through the FEP for his or her ideas, requests, and desires independent of you now and into adulthood?


Would your teen carry it into middle school, high school, college, adulthood, and even his or her parenting life?


Would you, by having a FEP, influence your current and future genealogy line?


Would you create an empowered parental life now as well as securing your positive parental legacy of at least three generations?



Establishing A Family Culture

Establishing a family culture of due process allows all ideas to be given the attention they deserve. With using this method, your child knows his or her ideas will be heard, discussed, and given a chance to be implemented and supported. This method also will provide the avenue for other, possible even better ideas, to come forth from multiple sources thus making the FEP process very attractive, indeed.


A family culture of this is the planning place, dreaming place, supportive place, produces an experience of family peace.



Getting Back To The Suggested Conversation…

“In our family, we go about doing requests, ideas, etc. when everyone feels good. Divine Wisdom can be literally felt, and it feels good. Not just good. It’s a good feeling at the Soul level.”


I’ve written often about the different between feeling good and feeling good at the Soul level. Synopsis: People who are coming out of depression enter anger which can lead to revenge. In this stage of healing, revenge can feel good. It feels good because the person is finally doing something about the depression. Certainly, revenge doesn’t create peace and harmony at the Soul level. A person coming out of depression must go through allthe rungs of the emotional ladder: depression, anger, revenge, and frustration up to hope. From hope, it is a quicker journey up the ladder to peace, joy, and happiness, where true healing and full living reside.


As part of my Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program, I will help you create your family’s FEP because is this a perfect plan that is always implemented (interpretation: appreciated) by your teen? Chances are that your teen may skip the due process and go forth without you. When this happens, revert back to your FEP and why your FEP is valuable. Repeat how your family’s FEP creates family harmony, empowerment, and good vibes.


Parents must utilize/model the FEP with their own decisions, too. Implementing it for age-appropriate decisions, of course, this family culture of using its FEP can be helpful for everyone, instill trust with every member, can create a sphere of familial love like no other.


As part of my Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program, I will teach you my simple-to-use Choose, Groove, Move plan for making decisions that can easily be incorporated into your FEP. Empowerment for all is the goal!



Two Cups Of Water

If your child is still asking and demanding repeatedly for things from you, that indicates a pre-existing well of frustration. That is a long way from empowerment. In high school, my daughter learned how to run well by joining the cross country team. The coach told them, “If you are thirsty, you are already two cups dry beyond what your body needs. Drink water even when you’re not thirsty.”


If your child is moaning, whining, and acting angry, he or she already has been frustrated for an extended time – already two cups short of life satisfaction. The thinking and feeling of this status believe that I have to fight for what I want. It says There are people who keep blocking me from what I want.


Keep on with your FEP especially if it’s a relatively new entity in your family culture. The more your child feels free, respected, and empowered, the less “thirsty” for those lower energetic ideas he or she will be. Higher level ideas will be discovered, thought about, and presented to the family.


“I have a great life,” will replace rebellion. Fulfillment will replace frustration. Happiness will replace, “Life sucks.” Contentment will replace agitation. Discernment will replace mindless and repetitive asking. Wanting to be at home more often will replace, “I need to get out of here.”


Enjoy purposeful, positive, and empowered parenting! If I can be helpful to your family:  https://middleschoolyearswithouttears.com/consulting/




Blue Pumpkins!



Being the strange kid during the hour long elementary school bus ride looking for angels wasn’t new to me. After all, I was raised Presbyterian attending a Lutheran grade school, so I often heard about angels from the pulpits for years. While the other bus riders were talking (yelling is more like it), picking on others, or singing, I’m looking up hoping to see at least one angel floating in the bus’s empty space above the windows.


If I were an angel, that’s where I’d hang out, I thought.


My childhood church’s library was quite small. Its interior entrance encompassed two heavy, glass doors. Once shut, they significantly dimmed any extraneous noise, and the library became a wonderfully mystical environment to me. In the quiet, lushly carpeted room with a dark, rich, and seemingly enormous to my small frame rectangular table, I discovered the spacious angel section.


Must be an important topic to have so many books on angels.


I borrowed and voraciously read many of them intensifying my desire to be in contact with angels. Angel interaction, I learned, wasn’t just for those documented in the massed produced Bible we’ve had since the 1436 Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press that revolutionized the way information was disseminated until the creation of the internet. Nope. These books provided me proof that angels were current, useful entities.


In addition, I read how angels were God’s messengers for the people of the present moment from another source as well. Eagerly devouring all the Guidepost magazines my parents had delivered in our mailbox each month, I anxiously awaited the newest issue so that I could dive into the “Angels Among Us” column. I tingled with cautious, intrigued excitement while absorbing the stories of being miraculously saved from danger or aided to find a lost pet by out-of-this-world assistance.


Yes, angels were guiding normal, current, non-Biblical era people everywhere. So I just knew that angels were in Pennsylvania, for sure, when I was riding a school bus whether I could see them or not.


The Accident

“Angels were protecting you,” my mother told me shortly after my parents arrived at the hospital to retrieve me when I was in a car accident on the way home from pre-school.


I remember it like it was yesterday: the jolt caused by the crash, being thrown from where I was sitting, the panicked question, “Are you okay?” from the neighborhood mother driving the car, and the sterile drive in the back of the ambulance. The mother coddled and soothed her daughter, but not me, which I remember thinking was very strange. The car was totaled from pulling out and being hit in a “blind spot.” I have no memory of being allowed to drive with that particular mother again.


Why Go Alone?

All that childhood angelic reading, learning, and experiencing has stuck with me, guided me, and supported me all the way to today. It’s why I write extensively about partnering with angels in all of my parenting books. Why go alone when we have thousands of angels to assist us?


I have interacted with angels, heard them, been protected by them, received messages from them, seen their energy in the form of a moving ball of light, and probably have seen them in human form unknowingly.


No wings. No glowing head pieces. No sudden images at the foot of my bed. No larger than life experiences – although the inexplicable ball of light swirling around my daughter and me was a bit supernatural, but it was not my first time seeing energy in the form of light.


Allies With Our Challenges

No one goes through this Earthly experience untouched by challenges. Going from the perfection of non-physical status to perfectly imperfect in a divinely created environment such as Earth filled with divine and purposeful contrast is a big part of why we agree to enter these physical apparatuses. With all the lives I’ve had to date, I know I’ve had angels guiding me, protecting me, whispering ideas to me, providing me sentences to write in my books, giving me parenting topics to talk about, and supplying me thoughts to communicate while presenting or public speaking.


Angels are just one type of “specie” just like we have rocks, plants, toads, snails, humans, and water. I like to ponder all of Divine Source’s creations. What else could be created? God only knows. It’s great merriment to think about other creations in our experience and on other planets, universes, dimensions, etc.


Blue Pumpkins

About a year ago, I was talking to my angels. I asked for a sign regarding assistance for a specific personal topic. In response, I heard in my mind, blue pumpkins.


Huh. I took time to really ponder that response. I knew it had to be something weird for it to be meaningful. It couldn’t be orange pumpkins because that’s too normal. Blue pumpkins it is.


Where in the world will I see blue pumpkins?


It was nowhere near fall so pumpkin décor would not be in every store on every shelf. Okay. I’m just going to go with this and see what occurs. Blue pumpkins will happen when it happens. And, I went on with my life.


Every now and then I’d do a blue pumpkin check in: Nope. No blue pumpkins yet. As you can probably guess by the title of this blog and that if I’m writing about the possibility of having blue pumpkins appear in my life that I have indeed seen, experienced, or was given blue pumpkins. And, I found them without doing a google search for blue pumpkins. That would be cheating and completely defeating the point of being surprised when I did in fact see a set of three candles with blue pumpkins on them while shopping at one of my favorite local antique stores.


The whole large warehouse probably heard my dramatic, breathy inhale and ensuing exclaim, “Blue pumpkins!!!” I immediately placed all three candles in my cart. The evidence was definitely coming home with me.


I’ve often wondered about the seller of the blue pumpkin candles. Did he or she think it was odd to have candles with  blue pumpkins? Did they wonder who would ever want those candles? Obviously, the statement, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure,” is true in this case.


What’s next? I thought looking at the smallest of the three blue pumpkins now residing on my office desk.




Giddy with blue pumpkin excitement, I reviewed how many other ways angels interact with me: number sequences, number repetition, color repetition as in driving on the highway amongst six other white cars or parking in the vicinity of five red cars, hearing others repeatedly speak same or similar statements, hearing specific music lyrics, and seeing timely billboard messages. And, then there is the curious and synchronicity of being at the right place at the right time.


Ever suddenly awaken and see 1:23, 2:34, 4:44, or 5:55 on the clock?



Ever see Route 333 near exit 333 at 3:33?


Ever go on a road trip and see 111 on multiple license plates, and after the third time notice you’re close by exit 111?


If you haven’t been noticing these angelic events, you will now!



Recently, I made brownies to take to my neighbor. I could have chosen to make them at any point within a three hour timeframe. At some point, I felt like baking the brownies, and I did. I had that internal nudge and began the brownie making actions. When I finally pulled them out of the oven after three times of checking their progress and reached to turn off the oven, the time on the stove clock was 2:22. A surge of angelic giddiness came over me again. The huge coordinating job it must’ve taken to time it perfectly for me to be at the oven at that precise moment. It never gets old. Just gotta love it!


If angels can lead me to a seller at a very large antique store with blue pumpkins in his or her store on a particular day, what else can angels do? Just like there are unending creations in other dimensions from Divine Source – I mean, just look at the vaaaaaaast creations on Earth! …then, angels can project number sequences, arrange a grouping of similar colored cars in close range, and have music lyrics within earshot.


It’s A Relationship

It’s a collaborative relationship just like our human friendships. It’s a relationship that requires getting to know each other, back and forth communication, connection, and trust. Angels are under strict orders to not interfere unless requested by humans. This is the reason for establishing a relationship with the angelic realm now if you haven’t done so yet.


There are many perks to this relationship. Want to see more fun interactions such as number sequences? Establish your personal angelic relationships. Angels are here to be human assistants. They not only can provide with the wow factor such as seeing 1:11 on your phone, but oh so much more.


Their whispers of the heart lead you to your soul mate. Their gentle push can knock a book off the library shelf down the aisle so that you read the exact book you need to read next. (Yup. This happened to me not just once, but several times.) Their guidance directs you to taking a route without accidents. Their suggestions point you in the direction of a fulfilling career path.


AND, their energetic impulses give you the parental know-how that you can utilize with your children at any stage of development for peaceful, joyful, and cooperative family life.


I’ve personally utilized them with my parenting life. I highly recommend you do the same.


For more information about me, go to https://middleschoolyearswithouttears.com/consulting/.





A Recent Concert-Goer’s Experience

I can’t feel my toes. Blisters coming? Why didn’t I wear more comfortable shoes? Wait. These are my comfortable shoes!


Soooo many people here. All different kinds. That woman has tinsel in her hair. How do you get tinsel in one’s hair? Spray it in? Throw it in and hope it stays? Tie it?


That man looks a lot like the lead singer of Kaleo. Did he dress like that on purpose for tonight’s concert?


I hope claustrophobia doesn’t suddenly occur. I’ve never had it before, but there’s always the first time.


Might catch Covid. Oh, it’s here somewhere, for sure. Just got over it. Took a long month to do so…so I’m immune, right?


Ahhhh! The really bright lights in my eyes again! Why did I look up? I want to see Jökull Júlíusson, of course! His voice..it’s so unique. Why does anyone think it’s a good idea to shine really bright lights into people’s eyes exactly in the direction of the area they want to see? Aim them up a bit!





That guy two rows in front of me is vaping right under the NO VAPING OR SMOKING sign. Where’s security? Don’t they see the plumes of his exhale rising up in all of these lights?




There’s room up there so why are you creeping backward into my space? Don’t you know that my back is against a metal barrier so I can’t move anywhere? Plus, I don’t want to move. I like my space. You move up. It was your choice to stand right in front me. Now I have to lean my head side to side to see. Maybe if I yell and clap loud enough, you’ll realize you’re too close to me.



People! Put your phone cameras down so we can see!




That woman has had her hand on her husband’s back the entire time. He is facing away from her like he is ignoring her. Why is she doing that? Is it a control issue? An insecurity issue? A comfort issue? To her? To him? I wonder if she’s been doing that for as long as they’ve been married. I wonder how long they’ve been married?





Those two late 30/early 40 year olds making out on the dance floor need a room. During the ONE love song, I get it. But during the whole concert? Hmmmmm…I probably did this when I was in my 20s. I KNOW I did it publicly in college. I remember not caring who was watching. Yup. That couple is so in the present moment. The alcohol they’ve been ingesting the whole night has helped their not caring who is watching their amorous activities. 




While LOVING the Kaleo music, it quickly became an exercise of focus. I had choice. I could focus on the numerous irritations, my aching feet, the lovers, and the spilt beer splashes on my shoes, OR I could focus on what I wanted: a great musical experience with my daughter and husband. (The concert was an early birthday gift for him.)




Perspective is everything. I thought about: what influence am I having on the people behind me? Am I blocking anyone’s view? Am I annoying anyone? I would want others to have a good time and to be patient with me so chill, Lizabeth. I caught myself getting consumed by the irritations and kept refocusing myself on the music, the singing, being with my two favorite people, seeing Kaleo in person, and the gorgeous chandeliers in Charlotte’s The Filmore Music Venue. 



I mean who would think to hang about 20 of these gorgeous chandeliers in a mostly black, somewhat grungy music venue? I don’t know whose brainchild this was, but THANK YOU!


The light show with the music (not the blasts) was fabulous. The music was incredible and way better in person. Being with my daughter, who knew almost every word to every song, and husband has made a forever memory. I know now Kaleo music much better. Walking out of the venue after the encore performance, I was floating with excitement for the experience we just shared. I was electrified. I was going on and on about how much fun it was. I was filled with thankfulness and gratitude. 




Yes, perspective is everything. 


It is the same with parenting. There are MANY irritations we parents could get hung up on, focus on, and complain about for yeeeeaaars. But, we always have choice. We always have options with everything


  1. While your son is talking back, you could look at his nose that you helped to create. 
  2. While your daughter is having a clothing fit while complaining about not having enough clothes in her large closet just after you took her shopping last weekend, you can focus on her two arms, two legs, two feet, two ears, and two elbows that are perfectly formed that she puts clothing on.
  3. While your child struggles with math for the nth time and you have to explain (again) how to do long division, you can focus on the opportunity to help your child while some students have absent parents, working parents, or no parents to support them. 
  4. While your child makes repeated attempts to have you change your mind about him or her going to a party where there is no adult supervision, you can send love to your child and think of alternative activities to do with your child to distract from the party wishes.
  5. You can show empowerment in the midst of a hurtful gossiping situation your child experienced recently.
  6. You can remind your child that your family’s culture is always: We live in the Land of Possibility when he or she is going on and on and on and on complaining about a teacher or school unfairness. 
  7. While your child is late coming home in time for curfew, you can put toilet paper or crinkled newspaper pages all over his or her room during the “late” minutes instead of getting angry. (Oh yes, I have other creative ideas as well to encourage on time behavior!)
  8. You can draw out from your child his or her Divine Wisdom to address annoying and non-annoying whininess, complaining, or begging. 
  9. You can remember: I am never stuck. My child is never stuck. I always have options with everything. Especially when the principal calls for a parent conference late on a Friday evening for early Monday morning. 



Half way through the concert, I got this blog idea! So it was fun and purposeful!



Thank you for the great experience, the blog post idea, and for sharing your talents with the world, Jökull Júlíusson. 



My Old, Worn Out Yoga Mat


Today was a good day. It began with a morning yoga class. This particular class’s structure was holding poses for three minutes each instead of moving from one pose to another in rapid fashion. Today was: follow the teacher’s instructions, shift, adjust, and hold and hold and hold. Three minutes.


180 seconds doesn’t sound like much, but when a pose may or may not feel good, it can be a looooooong time.


“Try to stay in the present moment,” we were advised. “Don’t think about what you need to do after yoga class. Focus on the pose.”


While I was able to get into the pose, make my adjustments, and hold the pose (well…I held the poses as long as my body said yes), I found myself distracted. So I began to look at my yoga mat.


Actually, I have two mats. I use both of them now that I want more support. The top blue one is my first personal yoga mat ever. The second red one is much newer, highly recommended, and costly. Spending more than I ever thought I would for a yoga mat, it was to be a big step up for my practice.


I was told, “It’s a game-changer. You’ll love it. It’ll take you to the next level for sure. You’ll never go back to anything else.”


And, that is what I wanted: to up level my yoga. Now, about four years later, I can barely see it because it’s under my old, worn out, original yoga mat. The newer, “better” one didn’t work for me. I had a hard time sliding my feet on it. Sure, it kept my feet in place for holding poses, so it might’ve been useful during the 180 second holds today, but I kept it under my good, ol’ faithful yoga mat. 


The next pose, pigeon pose, is one that requires nearly lying face down on the mat with one leg extended and one leg tucked under one’s belly. With my head angled downward, I found myself staring again at the 10+ year old mat with numerous not-quite-holes through it. They were more like divots as if on a golf course after a four-day tournament. 



In those divots, I could see years of stretches, sense sweat sliding down and dropping from my nose, hear labored grunts, and feel my dog’s tail touching my legs while he walked under my downward dog poses.


In the scratches and little tears on my mat, I remembered doing yoga with my daughter outside in the spring sun after a long Michigan winter. The grass was so new and eager for growth that it was the perfect cushion for our mats. 



Also, the old, blue mat brought back memories of doing yoga “with” my daughter when she was working in California. Because of the time difference,  we could do yoga together in the morning by FaceTime before she went to work. One of us played a class on the TV. We’d watch, move into Warrior II poses, and pretty much literally enjoy the class together. 


Being reflective – even if it is about a deteriorating yoga mat – isn’t new to me. As a writer, it comes naturally. I see far more in events and situations than most people. Yes, it can be an annoying trait to those who are literal.


“The person just chose mayonnaise for his burger, and there’s nothing more to it!” my husband would tell me.


My response, “But, from all the possible toppings, why mayo? And, why just mayo? It seems odd to only have one topping for one’s burger to me when a plethora of topping options exist.”


Oh yes, I could spend some serious time in that conversation.


So here I am gifted with a whole hour segmented into precious 180 second portions to ponder what this mat has meant to me, the memories held with it, and what future possibilities exist for it assuming I continue to engage in yoga practice. And, I will continue with yoga because


  • What we value, we do.
  • What we believe will provide us with forward movement, we pursue.
  • What we like, we keep…like my old, worn out mat. 


These life truths are what drive me to write, speak, and help parents navigate the child-rearing years.


I value it.


I believe I am making forward progress.


And, I like it.


For more information about what I do, read the information here: https://middleschoolyearswithouttears.com/consulting/.






Re-Introducing Myself!





Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale, M.Ed., aka The Middle School Mom Mentor, writes, speaks, and consults to help parents navigate the sometimes nail-biting and nerve-wracking teen years. After nearly 30 years in education, which includes 10 years teaching in middle schools, eight years being a librarian, four years writing a weekly newspaper column called Purposely Positive Parenting, conducting parent-child events, speaking at educational conferences, and writing 15 books for both parents and teens focusing on a variety of topics such as gossiping, personal power, relationships, death, happiness, and many more, her empowered parenting method for this age group is fueled by much experience as a parent and as a teacher. Her approach begins with the universal spiritual fundamentals of life and then spreads out to any subject highlighting her belief in the eternal goodness of life: “You are never stuck. Your child is never stuck. You always have options with everything.”


She offers opportunities for parents to hear her explain about an updated parenting paradigm for children, or the new spirits arriving daily on Earth, with such speaking titles as, “Grisly Gossipers and Bothersome Bullies And What To Do About Them,” “Who Is Your Child, Really?” “Tough Topics, Honest Responses,” “What Will Be Your Parental Legacy?” “The Problem Solver Solution That Works Every Time,” and “The Best Teen-Parent Communication For Modern Day Children.”


In addition to writing and speaking, Lizabeth has an online parental support group and an intensive parent rejuvenation program called The Best Parent Ever Toolbox in which she teaches and explains her parental tools and why they are successful for the older Earthlings to guide the younger Earthlings into empowered, positive living.


She can be reached at 843-576-9040 or lifebooks2011@yahoo.com. Additional information is located at www.middleschoolyearswithouttears.com.



How Much Joy Do You Expect From Parenting A Teen?


In my consulting parents business, I find that the expectation of parenting a teen varies a lot when it could be as simple as, “I expect to love each and every moment!”


Not realistic, you say????


Most parents have built-in belief systems that are already bracing for the worst. I’ve heard parents say negative statements about the future even when their children were quite young! 


At school open houses before the school year began, often parents would be SURE (stand in a line to talk to me) to tell me how awful their children were going to be while handing me their personal telephone numbers with instructions to contact them at any time. 


I’ve heard parents say, “My daughter is going to be a bitch later.”


Wow. So no wonder parents commonly have experiences that are less than fun, loving, and exciting when they are already pre-paving the road for misery. 


I lived the loving each and every moment experience and is the reason I know it can be done. What makes it happen is a focus, mindset, perspective paradigm shift about parenting. 


Defining and knowing Who We Really Are makes all the difference and are the foundation to loving each and every moment of then parenting experience. This is what I explain in my Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program. 


It takes time to make fundamental shifts. It takes coaching and explaining to change the way to think, believe, and feel about parenting so that joy, peace, and cooperation are dominant.


It can be done and is so worth the shifting to create empowerment within one’s own life which automatically spreads out into all areas of one’s life including one’s children. It’s such win-win shifting! People start noticing the changes and ask what is going on. It’s really fun to experience when people make the shifts and to watch the magic happen! 


For more information, go to www.middleschoolyearswithouttears.com/consulting


No matter what happens, you can EXPECT parenting to be joyful, peaceful, and cooperative…really!



Connecting To The Divine To Parent Your Kids



My Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program is all about utilizing your divine wisdom that is already in you (you were born with it) so that you can guide your children to utilizing their divine wisdoms that they already have as well. The issue I see in many parents is that they are 1. Not using this divinity 2. They don’t know it’s there to be used 3. They have no idea how to use it.


Spiritual technology, or our divine wisdoms, have long been shamed and revered as poorly as demonic for way too long. Fortunately, we are in an age where these people, such as myself, are no longer put to death or publicly shamed, but embraced, honored, and sought after. 


Parents who are overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out have options with help. Counseling only goes so far. Talk, talk, talk makes one feel better for a while. Utilizing divine connection is where it is at to truly understand life, one’s path, and how to parent the new beings arriving on Earth with empowerment.


To know why one is here (it’s not random), what life is all about (it’s not what you’ve been told), and what one is to do while here (the answer lies within your cells) is freedom. Parents want freedom. I help parents to gain freedom in every aspect of their lives through our sessions regarding parenting.


What Do I Do?

The obvious: I am a spirit in a borrowed body suit on a life journey trying to have the best experiences right now. AND, I help mothers of pre-teens, middle schoolers, and teens who worry and struggle to positively communicate with their children to experience peace, joy, and cooperation in their homes with my Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program by understanding and implementing empowering, universal spiritual perspectives that result in co-creative homes that empower everyone.


Until parents truly connect with their divine wisdoms, they will continue to feel lost, worried, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed… the list of the unwanted goes on and on until it stops with a change. My program provides the change. New perspectives are like a breath of fresh air lifting the darkness. Suddenly, parents see anew. They see paths that weren’t in their sight previously. They see parenthood in a whole different light. They analyze their own lives with broader perspective. 


The United States celebrates its freedom today. Freedom is everything. That is why it is celebrated, fought for, and desired. It is our innate state of being, and anything less than freedom is being a fraction of what it means to be human. A lack of freedom makes us feel lost, worried, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed…the list of the unwanted goes on and on until it stops with change.


For your freedom and parental divine right to parent with empowerment: https://middleschoolyearswithouttears.com/consulting/


Multi-Dimensional Parenting Consulting



Your Parenting Reality Is Negotiable


Feeling stuck like your parental feet are in cement with nowhere to go? Feeling overwhelmed like you can’t even get a whiff of Life is good? Feeling anxious about your present and future parenting experience? Feeling like you made a mistake by becoming a parent?


Your parenting reality is negotiable. It’s flexible. It’s malleable. It can be bent, turned around, and shifted into positivity so that you and your family can live in The Land of Possibility.


It is a fact that all of reality or Life on Earth is negotiable, flexible, malleable, bendable, turn around-able, and shift-able. Have you noticed? People are talking about it. People are doing it. People are living empowered lives because they were willing to at least think it is possible to negotiate, flex, change, bend, turn around, and shift Life. 


Why the capital letter L for the word Life?

Life is capitalized because Life here on Earth is 100% pure Divine Love manifested in a solid experience. There’s no 99.9999999% about it. 100% pure Divine Love from Source created this Earth for itself to experience as many perspectives as possible.


And, there are sooooo many perspectives here, yes? All the plankton in the sea, all the millions of bacteria that are in a postage stamp-sized space on your arm (yeah…start multiplying that for your entire skin surface!), all the variations of plants, fungi, and animals, all the variations of humans that inhabit this planet, and so much more that encapsulate the entirety of the Earth experience are Divine Love.


Once this perspective is completely understood, Life on Earth becomes amazing! From this perspective, Life on Earth is gentler, kinder, and loving. Now, you the parent, are ready to contemplate all your options with the beloved, 100% Divine Love beings you call your children. From the perspective of Who You Are, you can identify Who Your Children Are.


This IS the empowerment perspective that is THE game changer is creating a peaceful, joyful, and cooperative home that makes parenting fun, enjoyable, and pleasant…your parental legacy begins today. 


Strategy – Create Paths To Enlightenment

Feeling Lighter? From this state of being of feeling lighter or en-light-en-ment, one can negotiate reality into what is desired. When one is… Feeling stuck like your parental feet are in cement with nowhere to go? Feeling overwhelmed like you can’t even get a whiff of Life is good? Feeling anxious about your present and future parenting experience? Feeling like you made a mistake by becoming a parent…no one can create peace, joy, and cooperation. This isn’t living in The Land of Possibility. 


When feeling stuck, paths to feeling lighter are necessary to shift the heaviness into lightness. This can be done by talking to a friend, exercising, petting a dog, reading a book, napping, or meditating. From the lighter state of being, one can change one’s life.


It can also be done by hiring experts like me. I’m in the business of lifting parents and helping them feel lighter so that they can negotiate their parental experiences. Why? Because this 100% Divine Love experience is to be lived with empowerment in all areas including parenthood. Read about it here: https://middleschoolyearswithouttears.com/consulting/



My Child Is An Incredible…




My child is an incredible, multi-dimensional Soul on a life journey in a borrowed body suit trying to have the best experience right now. I can choose at any time, and hopefully often, in my parenting experience to acknowledge the awesomeness of being a parent to my child and the thrilling opportunity it is for me.



There may be days you’ll need to be reminded just how awesome and thrilling it is to be the parent of a  schooler who truly is a multi-dimensional Soul on a life journey in a borrowed body suit trying to have the best experience right now. If this is one of those days, this is your reminder.


We can tell when a body doesn’t have spirit or life force in it. Divine Breath enters a body (any time between conception and birth), has as many experiences as possible, and then leaves the body (a process that begins with dying and ends with what we call death). The physical apparatus we identify with, touch, and use to experience this Earthly journey is quite a temporary tool. The eternal part of us uses the multi-celled fleshy contraption until the experience is complete. This is what is meant by the “borrowed body suit” of the definition.


We parents need to remind our children how to have “the best experiences right now” because this can get confusing once in the borrowed body suits. There is so much stimuli that we get quite distracted and forget to listen, tune into, or focus upon Soul-level feelings that’ll guide us exactly to what we want to experience – joy. If we get off-task or off-course, the Soul-level feelings will ding us with less-than-joyous feelings much like when we play the hot, warm, cold game. When we are really off-course, it’ll be like the feelings are yelling, “Hey! You’re super cold right now!” It’ll feel yucky, weird, and downright horrible.


The problem is some of us don’t know how to fix it. Some of us stay in the yuck. Some of us stay in the yuck for so long that we think that is all there is. But, the Soul never gives up on us. It keeps on trying to refocus us back to joy through leading us to the better and better feelings.


Before this happens to your child on whatever level, before the  school drama begins, before the huffing and puffing along with the eye-rolling occurs, explain this. Explain that joy is always available through the path of listening to the Soul-level feelings for we are all multi-dimensional Souls on life journeys in a borrowed body suits trying to have the best experiences right now. 


Summer – A Very Good Time To Gain School Perspective


I love the dynamics, diversity, growth potential, and awkwardness of middle school. In three short years, young humans transform from grade school students to high school students. This is no small feat!


It’s difficult, however, for middle school students to see the big picture of their schooling. Why is it structured the way it is? Why do teachers teach the way they do? What is the point of middle school? While in the midst of the day-to-day middle school routine, it is challenging to answer these questions AND have them heard. Summer is a great time for middle schoolers to gain middle school perspective!


Parents help students see the big picture of the day-to-day, hour-by-hour school experience. So can my book, Empowering Kids: School, written for middle schoolers, can help you help your student see the big picture of the entire middle school experience. 


I explain, for example, why teachers provide a whole year’s curriculum in 180 days instead of all of it at once. Each day is a step, a piece, or a part of the whole. Fortunately for kids, the curriculum is sectioned into small units of study.


In addition, teachers create these units to fit together with other subject’s units for what is called interdisciplinary or cross curriculum instruction. A writing teacher may create a unit about history coordinating with the history’s teacher’s unit about WWII. The science teacher may create a unit about diseases, germs, and the origin of antiseptics and disinfectants with an emphasis on war.


Side note: Joseph Lister in the 1800s was first to introduce antiseptic surgery. Now can you guess where the product name Listerine came from? These connections of history to present life help students learn. What other fun facts can your child discover this summer?


Chapter titles include:

Choose to value the educational offerings your teachers plan and provide you every day.

Choose to explore all the educational avenues available to you, and they are all available to you.

Choose to adopt that you can become anything you want because if you can dream it, it already exists.

Choose to know every single person on the planet learns in his or her own unique way.

Choose to marvel at the “incredibles” regarding your school.

Choose to participate in events, activities, and situations that are pro only.

Choose to view every grade and assessment as your opportunity.


Empowering Kids: School is a very valuable resource for your child. It is beneficial for you as well. Would your life benefit from a less whiny child during the school year? Would you benefit if your child could understand his or her teachers better? Would you benefit if your child understood what a lower-than-expected grade really is and took responsibility for it? Yes! Yes! Yes! Get Empower Kids: School for your child now and see the difference the information in the book can make in your household for the fall.

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