Blue Pumpkins!
Being the strange kid during the hour long elementary school bus ride looking for angels wasn’t new to me. After all, I was raised Presbyterian attending a Lutheran grade school, so I often heard about angels from the pulpits for years. While the other bus riders were talking (yelling is more like it), picking on others, or singing, I’m looking up hoping to see at least one angel floating in the bus’s empty space above the windows.
If I were an angel, that’s where I’d hang out, I thought.
My childhood church’s library was quite small. Its interior entrance encompassed two heavy, glass doors. Once shut, they significantly dimmed any extraneous noise, and the library became a wonderfully mystical environment to me. In the quiet, lushly carpeted room with a dark, rich, and seemingly enormous to my small frame rectangular table, I discovered the spacious angel section.
Must be an important topic to have so many books on angels.
I borrowed and voraciously read many of them intensifying my desire to be in contact with angels. Angel interaction, I learned, wasn’t just for those documented in the massed produced Bible we’ve had since the 1436 Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press that revolutionized the way information was disseminated until the creation of the internet. Nope. These books provided me proof that angels were current, useful entities.
In addition, I read how angels were God’s messengers for the people of the present moment from another source as well. Eagerly devouring all the Guidepost magazines my parents had delivered in our mailbox each month, I anxiously awaited the newest issue so that I could dive into the “Angels Among Us” column. I tingled with cautious, intrigued excitement while absorbing the stories of being miraculously saved from danger or aided to find a lost pet by out-of-this-world assistance.
Yes, angels were guiding normal, current, non-Biblical era people everywhere. So I just knew that angels were in Pennsylvania, for sure, when I was riding a school bus whether I could see them or not.
The Accident
“Angels were protecting you,” my mother told me shortly after my parents arrived at the hospital to retrieve me when I was in a car accident on the way home from pre-school.
I remember it like it was yesterday: the jolt caused by the crash, being thrown from where I was sitting, the panicked question, “Are you okay?” from the neighborhood mother driving the car, and the sterile drive in the back of the ambulance. The mother coddled and soothed her daughter, but not me, which I remember thinking was very strange. The car was totaled from pulling out and being hit in a “blind spot.” I have no memory of being allowed to drive with that particular mother again.
Why Go Alone?
All that childhood angelic reading, learning, and experiencing has stuck with me, guided me, and supported me all the way to today. It’s why I write extensively about partnering with angels in all of my parenting books. Why go alone when we have thousands of angels to assist us?
I have interacted with angels, heard them, been protected by them, received messages from them, seen their energy in the form of a moving ball of light, and probably have seen them in human form unknowingly.
No wings. No glowing head pieces. No sudden images at the foot of my bed. No larger than life experiences – although the inexplicable ball of light swirling around my daughter and me was a bit supernatural, but it was not my first time seeing energy in the form of light.
Allies With Our Challenges
No one goes through this Earthly experience untouched by challenges. Going from the perfection of non-physical status to perfectly imperfect in a divinely created environment such as Earth filled with divine and purposeful contrast is a big part of why we agree to enter these physical apparatuses. With all the lives I’ve had to date, I know I’ve had angels guiding me, protecting me, whispering ideas to me, providing me sentences to write in my books, giving me parenting topics to talk about, and supplying me thoughts to communicate while presenting or public speaking.
Angels are just one type of “specie” just like we have rocks, plants, toads, snails, humans, and water. I like to ponder all of Divine Source’s creations. What else could be created? God only knows. It’s great merriment to think about other creations in our experience and on other planets, universes, dimensions, etc.
Blue Pumpkins
About a year ago, I was talking to my angels. I asked for a sign regarding assistance for a specific personal topic. In response, I heard in my mind, blue pumpkins.
Huh. I took time to really ponder that response. I knew it had to be something weird for it to be meaningful. It couldn’t be orange pumpkins because that’s too normal. Blue pumpkins it is.
Where in the world will I see blue pumpkins?
It was nowhere near fall so pumpkin décor would not be in every store on every shelf. Okay. I’m just going to go with this and see what occurs. Blue pumpkins will happen when it happens. And, I went on with my life.
Every now and then I’d do a blue pumpkin check in: Nope. No blue pumpkins yet. As you can probably guess by the title of this blog and that if I’m writing about the possibility of having blue pumpkins appear in my life that I have indeed seen, experienced, or was given blue pumpkins. And, I found them without doing a google search for blue pumpkins. That would be cheating and completely defeating the point of being surprised when I did in fact see a set of three candles with blue pumpkins on them while shopping at one of my favorite local antique stores.
The whole large warehouse probably heard my dramatic, breathy inhale and ensuing exclaim, “Blue pumpkins!!!” I immediately placed all three candles in my cart. The evidence was definitely coming home with me.
I’ve often wondered about the seller of the blue pumpkin candles. Did he or she think it was odd to have candles with blue pumpkins? Did they wonder who would ever want those candles? Obviously, the statement, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure,” is true in this case.
What’s next? I thought looking at the smallest of the three blue pumpkins now residing on my office desk.
Giddy with blue pumpkin excitement, I reviewed how many other ways angels interact with me: number sequences, number repetition, color repetition as in driving on the highway amongst six other white cars or parking in the vicinity of five red cars, hearing others repeatedly speak same or similar statements, hearing specific music lyrics, and seeing timely billboard messages. And, then there is the curious and synchronicity of being at the right place at the right time.
Ever suddenly awaken and see 1:23, 2:34, 4:44, or 5:55 on the clock?
Ever see Route 333 near exit 333 at 3:33?
Ever go on a road trip and see 111 on multiple license plates, and after the third time notice you’re close by exit 111?
If you haven’t been noticing these angelic events, you will now!
Recently, I made brownies to take to my neighbor. I could have chosen to make them at any point within a three hour timeframe. At some point, I felt like baking the brownies, and I did. I had that internal nudge and began the brownie making actions. When I finally pulled them out of the oven after three times of checking their progress and reached to turn off the oven, the time on the stove clock was 2:22. A surge of angelic giddiness came over me again. The huge coordinating job it must’ve taken to time it perfectly for me to be at the oven at that precise moment. It never gets old. Just gotta love it!
If angels can lead me to a seller at a very large antique store with blue pumpkins in his or her store on a particular day, what else can angels do? Just like there are unending creations in other dimensions from Divine Source – I mean, just look at the vaaaaaaast creations on Earth! …then, angels can project number sequences, arrange a grouping of similar colored cars in close range, and have music lyrics within earshot.
It’s A Relationship
It’s a collaborative relationship just like our human friendships. It’s a relationship that requires getting to know each other, back and forth communication, connection, and trust. Angels are under strict orders to not interfere unless requested by humans. This is the reason for establishing a relationship with the angelic realm now if you haven’t done so yet.
There are many perks to this relationship. Want to see more fun interactions such as number sequences? Establish your personal angelic relationships. Angels are here to be human assistants. They not only can provide with the wow factor such as seeing 1:11 on your phone, but oh so much more.
Their whispers of the heart lead you to your soul mate. Their gentle push can knock a book off the library shelf down the aisle so that you read the exact book you need to read next. (Yup. This happened to me not just once, but several times.) Their guidance directs you to taking a route without accidents. Their suggestions point you in the direction of a fulfilling career path.
AND, their energetic impulses give you the parental know-how that you can utilize with your children at any stage of development for peaceful, joyful, and cooperative family life.
I’ve personally utilized them with my parenting life. I highly recommend you do the same.
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