Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale
Connecting To The Divine To Parent Your Kids
My Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program is all about utilizing your divine wisdom that is already in you (you were born with it) so that you can guide your children to utilizing their divine wisdoms that they already have as well. The issue I see in many parents is that they are 1. Not using this divinity 2. They don’t know it’s there to be used 3. They have no idea how to use it.
Spiritual technology, or our divine wisdoms, have long been shamed and revered as poorly as demonic for way too long. Fortunately, we are in an age where these people, such as myself, are no longer put to death or publicly shamed, but embraced, honored, and sought after.
Parents who are overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out have options with help. Counseling only goes so far. Talk, talk, talk makes one feel better for a while. Utilizing divine connection is where it is at to truly understand life, one’s path, and how to parent the new beings arriving on Earth with empowerment.
To know why one is here (it’s not random), what life is all about (it’s not what you’ve been told), and what one is to do while here (the answer lies within your cells) is freedom. Parents want freedom. I help parents to gain freedom in every aspect of their lives through our sessions regarding parenting.
What Do I Do?
The obvious: I am a spirit in a borrowed body suit on a life journey trying to have the best experiences right now. AND, I help mothers of pre-teens, middle schoolers, and teens who worry and struggle to positively communicate with their children to experience peace, joy, and cooperation in their homes with my Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program by understanding and implementing empowering, universal spiritual perspectives that result in co-creative homes that empower everyone.
Until parents truly connect with their divine wisdoms, they will continue to feel lost, worried, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed… the list of the unwanted goes on and on until it stops with a change. My program provides the change. New perspectives are like a breath of fresh air lifting the darkness. Suddenly, parents see anew. They see paths that weren’t in their sight previously. They see parenthood in a whole different light. They analyze their own lives with broader perspective.
The United States celebrates its freedom today. Freedom is everything. That is why it is celebrated, fought for, and desired. It is our innate state of being, and anything less than freedom is being a fraction of what it means to be human. A lack of freedom makes us feel lost, worried, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed…the list of the unwanted goes on and on until it stops with change.
For your freedom and parental divine right to parent with empowerment:
Your Parenting Reality Is Negotiable
Feeling stuck like your parental feet are in cement with nowhere to go? Feeling overwhelmed like you can’t even get a whiff of Life is good? Feeling anxious about your present and future parenting experience? Feeling like you made a mistake by becoming a parent?
Your parenting reality is negotiable. It’s flexible. It’s malleable. It can be bent, turned around, and shifted into positivity so that you and your family can live in The Land of Possibility.
It is a fact that all of reality or Life on Earth is negotiable, flexible, malleable, bendable, turn around-able, and shift-able. Have you noticed? People are talking about it. People are doing it. People are living empowered lives because they were willing to at least think it is possible to negotiate, flex, change, bend, turn around, and shift Life.
Why the capital letter L for the word Life?
Life is capitalized because Life here on Earth is 100% pure Divine Love manifested in a solid experience. There’s no 99.9999999% about it. 100% pure Divine Love from Source created this Earth for itself to experience as many perspectives as possible.
And, there are sooooo many perspectives here, yes? All the plankton in the sea, all the millions of bacteria that are in a postage stamp-sized space on your arm (yeah…start multiplying that for your entire skin surface!), all the variations of plants, fungi, and animals, all the variations of humans that inhabit this planet, and so much more that encapsulate the entirety of the Earth experience are Divine Love.
Once this perspective is completely understood, Life on Earth becomes amazing! From this perspective, Life on Earth is gentler, kinder, and loving. Now, you the parent, are ready to contemplate all your options with the beloved, 100% Divine Love beings you call your children. From the perspective of Who You Are, you can identify Who Your Children Are.
This IS the empowerment perspective that is THE game changer is creating a peaceful, joyful, and cooperative home that makes parenting fun, enjoyable, and pleasant…your parental legacy begins today.
Strategy – Create Paths To Enlightenment
Feeling Lighter? From this state of being of feeling lighter or en-light-en-ment, one can negotiate reality into what is desired. When one is… Feeling stuck like your parental feet are in cement with nowhere to go? Feeling overwhelmed like you can’t even get a whiff of Life is good? Feeling anxious about your present and future parenting experience? Feeling like you made a mistake by becoming a parent…no one can create peace, joy, and cooperation. This isn’t living in The Land of Possibility.
When feeling stuck, paths to feeling lighter are necessary to shift the heaviness into lightness. This can be done by talking to a friend, exercising, petting a dog, reading a book, napping, or meditating. From the lighter state of being, one can change one’s life.
It can also be done by hiring experts like me. I’m in the business of lifting parents and helping them feel lighter so that they can negotiate their parental experiences. Why? Because this 100% Divine Love experience is to be lived with empowerment in all areas including parenthood. Read about it here:
My Child Is An Incredible…
My child is an incredible, multi-dimensional Soul on a life journey in a borrowed body suit trying to have the best experience right now. I can choose at any time, and hopefully often, in my parenting experience to acknowledge the awesomeness of being a parent to my child and the thrilling opportunity it is for me.
There may be days you’ll need to be reminded just how awesome and thrilling it is to be the parent of a schooler who truly is a multi-dimensional Soul on a life journey in a borrowed body suit trying to have the best experience right now. If this is one of those days, this is your reminder.
We can tell when a body doesn’t have spirit or life force in it. Divine Breath enters a body (any time between conception and birth), has as many experiences as possible, and then leaves the body (a process that begins with dying and ends with what we call death). The physical apparatus we identify with, touch, and use to experience this Earthly journey is quite a temporary tool. The eternal part of us uses the multi-celled fleshy contraption until the experience is complete. This is what is meant by the “borrowed body suit” of the definition.
We parents need to remind our children how to have “the best experiences right now” because this can get confusing once in the borrowed body suits. There is so much stimuli that we get quite distracted and forget to listen, tune into, or focus upon Soul-level feelings that’ll guide us exactly to what we want to experience – joy. If we get off-task or off-course, the Soul-level feelings will ding us with less-than-joyous feelings much like when we play the hot, warm, cold game. When we are really off-course, it’ll be like the feelings are yelling, “Hey! You’re super cold right now!” It’ll feel yucky, weird, and downright horrible.
The problem is some of us don’t know how to fix it. Some of us stay in the yuck. Some of us stay in the yuck for so long that we think that is all there is. But, the Soul never gives up on us. It keeps on trying to refocus us back to joy through leading us to the better and better feelings.
Before this happens to your child on whatever level, before the school drama begins, before the huffing and puffing along with the eye-rolling occurs, explain this. Explain that joy is always available through the path of listening to the Soul-level feelings for we are all multi-dimensional Souls on life journeys in a borrowed body suits trying to have the best experiences right now.
Summer – A Very Good Time To Gain School Perspective
I love the dynamics, diversity, growth potential, and awkwardness of middle school. In three short years, young humans transform from grade school students to high school students. This is no small feat!
It’s difficult, however, for middle school students to see the big picture of their schooling. Why is it structured the way it is? Why do teachers teach the way they do? What is the point of middle school? While in the midst of the day-to-day middle school routine, it is challenging to answer these questions AND have them heard. Summer is a great time for middle schoolers to gain middle school perspective!
Parents help students see the big picture of the day-to-day, hour-by-hour school experience. So can my book, Empowering Kids: School, written for middle schoolers, can help you help your student see the big picture of the entire middle school experience.
I explain, for example, why teachers provide a whole year’s curriculum in 180 days instead of all of it at once. Each day is a step, a piece, or a part of the whole. Fortunately for kids, the curriculum is sectioned into small units of study.
In addition, teachers create these units to fit together with other subject’s units for what is called interdisciplinary or cross curriculum instruction. A writing teacher may create a unit about history coordinating with the history’s teacher’s unit about WWII. The science teacher may create a unit about diseases, germs, and the origin of antiseptics and disinfectants with an emphasis on war.
Side note: Joseph Lister in the 1800s was first to introduce antiseptic surgery. Now can you guess where the product name Listerine came from? These connections of history to present life help students learn. What other fun facts can your child discover this summer?
Chapter titles include:
Choose to value the educational offerings your teachers plan and provide you every day.
Choose to explore all the educational avenues available to you, and they are all available to you.
Choose to adopt that you can become anything you want because if you can dream it, it already exists.
Choose to know every single person on the planet learns in his or her own unique way.
Choose to marvel at the “incredibles” regarding your school.
Choose to participate in events, activities, and situations that are pro only.
Choose to view every grade and assessment as your opportunity.
Empowering Kids: School is a very valuable resource for your child. It is beneficial for you as well. Would your life benefit from a less whiny child during the school year? Would you benefit if your child could understand his or her teachers better? Would you benefit if your child understood what a lower-than-expected grade really is and took responsibility for it? Yes! Yes! Yes! Get Empower Kids: School for your child now and see the difference the information in the book can make in your household for the fall.
Prepping For The End
Got these: Senioritis? Summer-can’t-come-fast-enough-school blues? I-don’t-wanna-study-anymore comments?
We’ve all experienced it as a student. Nothing will go in the brain anymore. The desperately needed break. The will-this-ever-end facial expression.
How did you get past it? How will your child get past it? Here are some ideas:
- Talk about it. No demanding it. No yelling about it. Talk about it. See what’s behind the academic drag. Understanding it and expressing it’s normal will go a long way. Just allowing the venting can help reach the school year finish line.
- Plan future events. And, make ’em good! I suspect this is how we all got to the finish line. Call this suggestion whatever you’d like, but bribery works. Plan future events such as vacation time, events such as a manicure or a new clothes shopping, or friend gatherings to motivate a job well done to the end. When inspiration isn’t holding out, try motivational events.
- Provide planned and spontaneous breaks. Nothing speaks as loud as a plate of fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies to brighten the mood. How about a head, neck, hand, and/or back massage to go along with them? Do some form of physical exercise together. Get silly. Jump on the bed. Run around the house together yelling. Kiddos love parents who are willing to be spontaneous and fun especially when it’s done in sympathy.
- Give ’em a physical outlet. “Boxing” empty cardboard boxes or ripping apart an old blanket can serve as a means of letting off steam. What is around the house that you’ve been meaning to send to the dump? Throwing such items into a pick up or into the large trash containers at the dump can provide that physical release.
- Take quiet time/meditation moments. These don’t have to be time consuming. Instead, try five minutes of yoga stretches and/or yoga nasal breathing. Walking pets around the block will help, too.
- Break down the end of year testing schedule into smaller chunks. It can be overwhelming to look at the whole end of year process. Break it down into smaller, easier to digest and manage chunks. This is a good strategy for the entire year, but is especially effective during the last few weeks of school. “I only have to do my best on this one test right now. Then, I will focus on the next one tonight.”
- Encourage positive self-talk. No matter what a parent says, it is ultimately important that a child is saying the good stuff, too. Inquire what is spinning around in your child’s head. Is it saying, “I can do this?” Bringing into focus the necessity of positive self-communication will bring clarity to what is really your child’s mind-chatter.
Understanding, sympathy, and allowing of certain behaviors like venting will enable your child to end the scholastic year well. You got this, parents!
Consider this book to help you to help your child with test-taking. It’s loaded with practical ideas.
I Want A Tattoo!!!
Choosing to investigate curious events, comments, and requests before judgement will serve you well as in the case of hearing, “I want a tattoo!” or “I want to drop out of school!” from your child.
When establishing an empowered home culture and environment, you may hear your child say he or she wants to do things that you may or may not agree with. Empowered thinking allows for all options to be considered for their positive or negative effect. Instead of, “No! No way! Nope! Not under my roof!” an empowered parent will say, “Let’s investigate that idea.”
An empowered parent will be quite curious to know the energy behind such a statement as, “I want to get a tattoo,” from a child under the age of 18. What is driving the interest? Is it a temporary idea that will fade in a matter of a few minutes or days? Is it coming from peer pressure? Is it one tattoo or multiple ones? How big? What design? And, of course, where?
A delve into the history of tattoos would be beneficial as well. Tattoos have been used for positive reasons for ages. There are current royalty societies that still utilize tattoos as signs of dignity, honor, and respect. How is tattooing different than other forms of body mutilation such as haircutting, hair shaving, ear piercing, liposuction, and applying makeup? Every day, we manipulate our bodies just by breathing. Some manipulations are permanent like tattoos while others are not. And, some are required to live such as eating, drinking, and exercising.
There is a big difference between a response of, “Absolutely not!” and the investigation into the tattoo subject. This difference of response is the open door for any communication to occur now or in the future on any subject between you and your child. An empowered parent wants to know what is occurring in a child’s mind so that the empowered parent can have the opportunity to be a part of it. A response of, “Are you crazy? Just who do you think you are??” immediately shuts down all communication. It only takes one time, and the communication doors close with Viking-like locks and at least one guard on duty 24/7. Any reopening the doors will undoubtedly have a filter on for years.
Open communication begins with being open. Generational changes, attitudes, likes and dislikes, and opinions are guaranteed just as they were with every previous generation. Being willing to explore any subject of question or concern is enabling you to have the opportunity to have the conversation in the first place. An empowered parent will not only want this honor to be on the inside of a child’s thinking, but will relish and appreciate the opportunity.
Romantic Relationships In Middle School
Romantic relationships commonly become highlighted during the teenage years, and I can choose to embrace these as an important, essential, and intricate part of my child’s development. I can choose to be involved through discussions and sharing about the reasons for starting, having, and ending many romantic experiences now, if it is his or her wish, so that she will have plenty of relationship experiences before fully committing to another in adulthood.
Do you believe this statement? “School is the perfect garden to grow your child.” So much happens in the school garden that it can be overwhelming to a student and to parents, but even the weeds (unwanted people, events, and situations), storms (tidal waves of academic projects and work), soil erosion (thinning of friends), overcrowding (too many people in your child’s business), and connecting (friendship and romantic relationships) are all important and purposeful for the highest good of your son’s present moment and her future.
Romance and romantic relationships are vital pieces of the human experience education for it is a rare person who ignores or chooses to decline this essential part of life. School is the perfect place to play out, explore, and learn from the budding relationships that exist in this awkward developmental stage if it is your child’s interest to do so. Be ready, be accepting, be involved, be positive, be encouraging, and be proactive for this important developmental and parental opportunity.
Middle School romantic relationships generally are short-lived from a couple of hours to a couple of days to a couple of weeks. It is an abnormality that middle school students date for long periods of time such as a whole year or years. Middle school romance is a hodgepodge of short-lived attraction/withdrawal events with plenty of sideline curiosity seekers ready to spread the word in lightning middle school whisper fashion. Seemingly, any coupling of any type of students will send shockwaves throughout a school. No matter how hard one tries to keep things quiet, it is nearly impossible for it to remain so with the hundreds of middle school romance antennas all attuned to and on high alert for this kind of behavior. For this reason, parental guidance is the necessary grounding energy to shift the attention from the gossip to the relationship’s learning.
Romance in middle school is a powerful parental opportunity no matter if it is your child in the relationship or not. Much guiding can be done with others’ experiences. Open, non-judgmental discussion is essential. Establish a “all conversation topics are allowed” climate in your home now if not already for this is the beginning of all other conversations. This is the beginning of guiding your child toward healthy relationships in the future. This is your powerful, parental opportunity now.
You’re An Ugly Pig! Two Steps To Addressing Negative Comments
Reaching the place when you and your child understand, “You’re an ugly pig! And, you smell like one, too!” and what is really going on with such statements is a wonderful level of empowerment.
You will be amazed just how powerful this understanding is when your child interacts with the multiple people in his or her life with an already accepted perspective as well as an all-ready perspective on any negative statement. When a person has the previously prepared thought process ready-to-go when interacting with others, it is high level living, indeed, because social slandering, gossiping, and negative statements are not about you or your child, but about the other people’s relationship with soul-level happiness.
With the convenience of mass communication options also comes instant feedback, posting, and commenting on just about anything that happens globally. We now know within minutes or even seconds what is happening anywhere. It’s a blessing and a challenge. The audience for more interactions and reactions broadened globally with the internet. There are benefits and drawbacks. Since we are not returning to a pre-internet age, it is well worth the time and effort to delve into what is really happening behind negative comments and training oneself with an already accepted perspective as well as an all-ready perspective on any negative statement.
Removing the attention on the comment to drawing back the curtain to see the person who typed it, wrote it, or said it is a big empowerment step because it is a step that is challenging to do when being attacked or even just feeling attacked. It is possible to train you and your child to have a positive, loving automatic response. An example of such a response that immediately says, “This is a person who doesn’t feel 100% about him or herself otherwise the comment would never have been made.” is positive and loving because now the next response is to send love to the person who typed it, wrote it, or said it.
Just by doing these two steps (realizing what is really happening and sending love), the attention is on healing and far away from feeling attacked. This is empowerment at its best. It is an intentional shift toward sidestepping the comment’s negative energy to helping the sender who obviously needs love sent to him or her.
The kindest and easiest way to train oneself for this automatic response is with real life situations that are happening to others. When you hear or read about someone attacking another, stop, realize what is happening, and send love to the sender. Then, when it happens to you, you’ll be ready to shoot back love.
Got Gossiping Issues? Free Gossiping Presentation!
Got gossiping issues? Who doesn’t? Gossiping is an ageless, societal issue that creates a range of far-reaching effect especially with school-aged children. This is the reason former middle school teacher, Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale, M.Ed., wrote and recently published, Gritty Gossipers And What To Do About Them.
This complete gossiping book for parents presents a step-by-step process that will allow both parent and child to enter the Land of Possibility with all gossiping situations. In addition, the book includes the psychology behind why people gossip, who gossipers are, how they think, why traditional punishment methods don’t work, benefits from being on the receiving end of gossiping, and how parents can bring their “turtling” or scared children to hope and then to empowerment.
Interested to know more? Register for this free talk about gossiping on February 13 at 1pm:
Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale, M.Ed., aka The Middle School Mom Mentor and The Child Awakener, writes, speaks, and consults to help parents navigate the sometimes nail-biting pre-teen and teen years. After nearly 30 years in education including 10 years teaching in the gossiping-rich environment of middle schools, eight years being a school librarian, four years writing a weekly newspaper column called Purposeful Positive Parenting, conducting parent-child events, speaking at educational conferences, creating the Choose, Groove, Movedecision system for teens, and writing 15 books for both parents and teens focusing on a variety of topics such as gossiping, personal power, relationships, death, school, and happiness, her empowered parenting method for this age group is fueled by much experience as a parent and as an educator. Her approach begins with universal spiritual fundamentals of life and then spreads out to any subject highlighting her belief in the eternal goodness of life: “You are never stuck. Your child is never stuck. You always have options with everything.”
She offers opportunities for parents to hear her explain about an empowered parenting paradigm with such speaking titles as, “Grisly Gossipers and Bothersome Bullies And What To Do About Them,” “Who Is Your Child, Really?” “Tough Topics, Honest Responses,” “What Will Be Your Parental Legacy?” “The Problem Solver Solution That Works Every Time,” and “The Best Teen-Parent Communication For Modern Day Children.”
In addition to writing and speaking, Lizabeth has an online parental support group along with a parent rejuvenation program called The Multi-Dimensional Parenting Program, in which she explains the parenting perspectives and techniques she personally utilized and why they are successful for the older Earthlings to guide the younger Earthlings into empowered, positive, and cooperative living.
Additional information is located at
Loving Weaknesses To Change Them
What is the easiest way to release from your child that which you do not desire to experience from or with your child: love or hate?
What is the easiest way to release that which is unwanted in your life: love or hate?
What is the easiest way to release anything unwanted: love or hate?
You already know the answer to all of these questions. Love, of course! Right now in this moment of reading this blog, there is probably very little resistance to accepting that love is the way to release that what is unwanted. But, in the heat of the moment or when first hearing how a student physically hurt your child, the focus on love is challenging. It is your power right now to begin the energetic upload, storage, and escrow-building of love for all past, present, and future situations, events, and encounters. Otherwise, we default into reactionary responses that help no one.
This means sending love to any extra fat cells you may have accumulated, to anyone who has harmed you, and to any decision you made that resulted in less-than-favorable endings. Love is the only way to gain body balance, to release harmful people, and to let go of past decisions that resulted in adjustments or challenges in your life.
For example, I had to send love to the people I was previously married to and to myself for making those marital decisions in order for me to release them. If I had continued to hold the anger, I would have kept those two people attached to me in anger. They’d keep popping up in my life in a variety of ways…in angry form. Since I have released them by sending them love, I live a life free of negative entanglements with them. This freed me to be available to enjoying a wonderful marriage to my husband of 15 years!
As with the situation of a child when he or she has done the unforgivable (whatever it might be is different for every parent), sending love is the only way to release the grip of what has been done. If anger dominates, then anger will dominate with no chance of forgiveness. If love is sent, then love will dominate the nearly certain forgiveness.
This sending of love does not mean agreement of what was done. It means I’m sending you love anyway. It is sending love to heal the situation even if or because you can’t. See love as the ultimate negotiator or mediator of difficult situations. Let love do the healing. Let love be the communicator. Let love be the agent that awakens all hearts to what happened and the need to heal situations.
Here’s a technique to be able to send love when the anger is very real and seemingly impenetrable. Get in a quiet, meditative state. Say or think, I want to connect with love. Allow love to come to you. “See” love enveloping you. Visualize it entering all your cells and forming a sphere around you to at least 5′.
Next, visualize floating your spirit out of your body about 20′ above you in a space that you would think Heaven would be like. In this safe, heavenly space, meet the person you have a challenge with for this person also is lifting his or her spirit up out of the body. If needed, you can invite Archangel Michael to be present as well as other angels.
Send love to this person. See love energy flowing from your sphere to the other person. See love coming from the angels surrounding both of you. See the love envelope the person going into each of this person’s cells. This is the only focus – love. Stay here as long as you’d like.
Slowly return to down into your body with love all around you. For at least a few minutes, notice all the love in you and around you. Say or think, I keep this love connection going to heal this situation.
Open your eyes. Know that you can return to the heavenly spot again if needed. This technique allows love the opportunity to heal the situation or challenge in a safe place. Repeat as necessary.
What is happening in your life that could use some love?
You can send love to yourself, a person, an object, or place. Because we are all divinely connected, this is a very real activity with very real results.